Info 101

i am me, a teacher, a po’ E.T, artivist, journalist, librarian.

short e aka 5ynthet1c m1t0515 of the lonely lost dark empties. a dreamer, a wanderer, a wonderer. still trying to find sense, crashing against spaces of the mind. not sure anymore about me or about u. it’s stopped making sense a long time ago, falling deeper into the rabbit hole. where am i again!?!  what? nevermind… don’t expect me to say anything. i came to watch. it’s too complicated. “who needs action when you got words.” “i’m a loser baby, so why don’t you…” and stuff.

i am just like you, with too many words inside my head, and too many ideas floating around, but i am just like you, regardless of what the voice inside my head may attempt to convince us of.

i can usually be found working with students, and when i am not, i am working on myself in my community with a pen and paper and a camera interacting with my laptop, a mic, garageband, a guitar, and a midi player…

in the future, where will we be? in the future, what will we be? i am po’E.T. today! tomorrow who knows?

and they say he spoke in two tongues, armed like two guns…

221 thoughts on “Info 101

  1. I love this intro/ about/ rhythmic written gold! It’s super dope! And yes! You and I, truly are just alike, “despite what the voice inside my head may attempt to convince us of!” Thanks for sharing the love, from one lover of everything poetry to another!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for following Aspiring to Inspire. I have enjoyed reading your poems – sharp, penetrating, thought provoking…thank you for sharing. And again thank you for taking the time to stop at my corner of the world.


    • Thank you, with warmest appreciation, for your response to my heart’s outpouring. This is the way I heal and purge. Such a Blessing to have arrived in a place that individual minds receive and comment on our personal healing and revealing paths.


  3. Frausto, thanks for dropping by my writing studio and deciding to follow my work. From one teacher (past) to another, it is an honor. I don’t mind critiques, by the way — I’ve learned that constructive criticism helps me learn and improve, even at my advanced age.


  4. i’ve appreciated your involvement with my blog… so i came to your page to find who that person might be… in doing so i’ve come across an artistic spirit with a soul for truth… i WILL be following you (this is something i do very rarely)… all the best to you, truly… all the best


  5. LOVE your poetry. And I am a very open person. But your last poem was a bit against my beliefs and my people as whole. I am a proud American (“pale”) (white) and the majority of us have done no harm to your country nor would we want to. Fucking asshole politicians…. Generalization is a deep chasm. Respect your veiws. Respect your writing. Can we still be blog pals???


    • Thank you so much for your kind words. And I totally understand where you are coming from on the generalizations. It sucks completely when it happens to a person that one is treated differently because of some a-holes generalizations (assumptions). This poem was written while I was traveling, and as most of these other poems are part of a collection I have titled “Notions”. They are short observations of topics going through my mind while I was traveling. I know plenty of white people that have gone and are still going to so called “third world countries” for humanitarian and educational reasons. When I wrote the poem I had just left a bar that was filled with people from the States that it was strange to me how the locals were to a certain degree completely dependent on the tourists and their dollars and euros, so that’s where some of the energy I needed to vent came from. But you’re right a lot of it has to do with the policy makers and their policies because the majority of people just want to be able to get through the day with a few laughs with friends and loved ones and not have to feel like a complete a-hole for it. Also the irony isn’t lost on me that I was able to write these poems and travel while in the capacity of a tourist because of my own privilege, but I was also to hang out with the locals because I speak Spanish and look quite brown.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I guess I am something of a traditionalist when it comes to poetry, and find it tough sometimes to relate to poetry with the kind of ‘wildness’ that yours has. But I got past that when I found myself relating to the deeper current of meaning rippling the surface of it, and saw for the first time how the apparent disorder on the surface told of the powerful movement beneath. Thanks for your poetry.

        And I like, as you can see from my blog, the relationship between words, images and stories. Something is told in that relationship that cannot be put into words.



  6. Hi – Thanks for visiting and “liking” my poem! You’ve got an intriguing poetry style and I hope to visit your blog further to venture deeper into your poetry. And you worked my Spanish too 🙂


  7. Great stuff, man. Like someone else said, riveting. I understand having too many words in your head. I look forward to reading more. Oh, and thanks for checking out Saints and Heretics.


  8. Love the idea of being with not knowing – it’s being with not knowing that all is known. “. . . a caterpillar becomes dysfunctional just before it transforms into a butterfly. But the new consciousness is arising even as the old dissolves” Eckhart Tolle

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  9. Nice stuff my fellow wordsmith. ANd your bio mentioned that you are a guitar player ! Music moves people more than words as far as I am concerned. If you can do with your guitar , or any instrument for that matter what you do with words you will get the acclaim that we are all looking for. Validation is a better word than acclaim. Keep shooting for the best.


  10. Frausto, thank you for liking my post on Walking the Cat. . .I’m not one to savor poetry; I’m more inclined to prose — or what passes for prose — but I like your work. And I want to thank you for pointing out, in spite of all the perceived differences between people — culture, age, profession or vocation, skin pigmentation or religion — we are all so much more alike than different. Thanks for letting me know you’re out there in the world. Perhaps there will come a time when your work will inspire me to try my hand at poetry and join you in the wider world of words. Thanks, again.


  11. “Who needs action when you got words? ” Love it. I do, You do. It’s in our Genes,from teaching to wondering to wandering to entertaining. I bet you have more than one Guitar. Because like me your entertainer side is your validation side. But be careful my friend of the self deprecating ogres. Always be sharp, never be flat always be natural , in easy harmony. More tomorrow. Sorry I took so long to get to your earler Posts.


  12. Wow! Super cool vibe – your tone and visuals. Kind of “Daddy – O” hipster in the 21st century. I like it. Quick! Throw me a paint brush so I can outline your silhouette! Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂


  13. I like your unique style. Your poetry is very thought provoking. Searching for calm and peace in the caos of life. Hope you find what you seek. Thank you for the like and the follow. I am always humbled by those who follow and/or like my posts. God bless you.


  14. “Info 101”, wonderfully creative. Loved the line, “i am just like you, with too many words inside my head, and too many ideas floating around, but i am just like you, regardless of what the voice inside my head may attempt to convince us of.” Fantastic! I look forward to reading many more of you creations.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I only see one or two or no people who like my posts when I publish my small collections of sentences. You have liked more than one of my posts – I appreciate it. Feel free to comment on any post. I plan to collect them all after writing 101 for June is over for a re-edit. I have a book of stories able to be found on my about page; I have not spoken with a single person who has read it, yet. I revised the stories many times before I published them; I find them to be enjoyable, somehow, myself.

    My next two books I will work on will be more for others than the collection of stories.

    My book’s links are on this page.

    Do you have anything you are specifically proud of or would like to discuss?

    If so send a link to one of your posts to me by leaving a comment on any one of my posts or the about page on, and I will joyously check it out in good time.

    Thank you again for liking my posts – more power to you and you have great talent. 🙂

    happy blogging – jcm3blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Wow! I thought it was just me thinking like that, writing like that, those words, themes, thought processes,style, it must be Universal Consciousness at work… Thank you so much for liking my post, that’s how I found your blog. It’s funny, I was just thinking whether to put my poems out on my blog alongside my story, or not, as I never considered them anything special, it’s just something I always did, and then I read some of yours and it inspired me to do it! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Hooooray, I’m finally smiling. I’m smiling because you’ve liked each of my childish rhymes, which took me 10 minutes to write! They are nothing compared to your work : ))) But, I’m smiling after a month of nothing but tears, so thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I really enjoyed your writing (at least some of it; I’m afraid I don’t read Spanish..). It’s quite thought provoking, and coerced quite a bit of introspection out of me. I thank you warmly for me and my now-evolving writing, and hope that you keep writing this magnificently~

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Frausto, your deep and intimate relationship with words makes me want to bust out of my old, tired, predictability. Makes me want to learn 12 new languages, travel to 27 new galaxies, travel around the world without a map. Damn! How the words love you so! Thanks for finding my blog, so that I could find yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Who does the graphics in your heading and the art–i.e. teacher in front of the blackboard? They are so charming. I appreciate your reading and “Liking” my blog most days…Always comforting to see the names of followers
    pop up each day–like seeing new but faithful friends…Thanks for this. Judy

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I am humbled and appreciative when someone who harbors such organic gifts of realness in the domain of wordplay extends me “literary E-dap”, thank you for the honor of following ShunPwrites and introducing me to your craft.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog, mast musings. I like your writing, strong and powerful, emotional and meaningful. It challenges me to be more creative with my own. Keep it real!


  23. Love the flow here. Feels natural, from the heart. My kind of style. I don’t know why, but something about the lines, ” i came to watch. it’s too complicated. “who needs action when you got words.” “i’m a loser baby, so why don’t you…” and stuff,” really intrigue me. I do a lot more than “watch,” but there’s something refreshing about the sentiment. Anyway, thanks for the follow! Looking forward to reading more of your work. 😀


  24. Hey there, Frausto! Love your blog and the deep sincerity in your words. My dad taught for while way back so I also appreciate that your a teacher. Thanks for following 🙂


  25. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for reading my work and following my blog! Don’t hesitate to comment on anything you like. You might even win some leprechaun gold…, but not likely.

    I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of your writing so far. Curious to hear how the words flow to music. 🙂



  26. First, I want to say thank your for liking my post! Would love to know what you think about that and other posts! 🙂
    Second, can I just say you’re work is amazing! So engaging and thought provoking! Add to that music and I am sure you must be winning a lot of hearts with your writing! Keep up the good work! Would love to read more!


  27. Your poetry is incredible. I love this ‘about’. You might like my post on the Dublin Writers museum. Have you ever tried to write any flarf poetry. It’s a bit experimental for some tastes and much more popular in the states than here in the U.K. It is when poets put random phrases into google and then create a poem from the text of their internet hits. I’ve had a go myself. It provides some interesting results.

    If you are interested you should read ‘Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing’ edited by Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith. There’s some really incredible conceptual writing in the Anthology. Take care. Emma.


  28. hey, po’E.T.! Much gratitude for following my blog and poetry! I’m digging the play-on-words that’s pervasive throughout your blog, starting from your name–quite ingenious 🙂
    Looking forward to traveling through border spaces!



  29. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but no one speaks “only the truth,” or whatever he said. The truth is so layered and complex that I dare anyone to actually find it these days. In any event, I actually wrote to say how I like your blog, your persona, your way of expressing yourself … and your politeness. You must have a good mother? I like your work; I like your work. You can count on it … I always speak the truth. (I don’t mean to mock, not do I want to … it’s just that some remarks are so inane that … well, what can I say?). I reckon he or she has a kind of incipient pseudo cyber crush on you … don’t you?


  30. THANK YOU (!!!) for finding me in this overstuffed parallel universe we call ‘internet’, because what I am reading here is just incredible!
    I immediately fell in love with your style, the way you use words. It never ceases to amaze me how one can express themselves in a unique way (like you obviously do) through words. Repeating them, combining them, intertwining them, reviving them and (re-)inventing them: Words are such a powerful tool. And playing with words in all kinds of languages is simply a whole lot of fun!

    So, I’m looking forward to read through your blog and let your words travel through my mind.

    – Prospermind.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Hey there. I know that you have been following my blog (Centuries of the heart) for quite a long time, and so I just wanted to say thank you. Up until now I haven’t really had a chance to look at your blog, but now that I am I just have to say that you have such a brilliant and unique way of expressing your emotions and thoughts through words, so I am definitely following your work now 🙂


  32. Aaaaaaa! So sometimes my mobile display malfunctions and refuses to show a “like” button for certain posts. And when that happens for really awesome posts like this… Well, then that’s when it makes me mad. Aaargghh!!! ^_^ Hahaha, so please know, Sir Frausto, that this reader has liked your post with her heart even though the like button adamantly declines to appear on her mobile handset!

    I absolutely loved the rhythm, rhyme and overall message of the line about “two tongues.” I learned a very small amount of Spanish at school, and so my heart is telling me to say things like: “me encanta tus palabras guapas” – but I think that neither my poor grammar nor poor choice of vocabulary will do justice to the work you’re putting out. I absolutely love the spirit behind what you write! Don’t ever let that fire die!

    Also, I connected to this post on another level because although I am yet to graduate, I’m also considering a career path that involves a mix of teaching and writing. All I can say, Sir, is that whoever you are, wherever you are… Your talent and spirit must make you a real inspiration for your students. Don’t stop! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Thank you for finding my blog. I will look at your work this weekend. I want to be a writer and an editor. I hope that you will stop by my blog and read the stories that I have planned, or that are already there. I like to read comments about my writing, I think it helps me be better.


  34. Hi Frausto. I admit I am amiss in comments on your blog. I find a lot in common with you through your words. Am encouraged to keep whacking away at my own blog. I enjoy what I’m doing and struggle daily to get so many ideas into readable form. Have lots of things I want to publish besides the works of my father and brother, and am determined to slog on through cyberworkings and post them in an enjoyable fashion. Thank you much for consistently reading my posts. Happy to be one of your many followers. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Thank you for following, “From the Gross to the Subtle”. I apologize that it took me so long to get over to your blog. I am new to blogging and my original intention was to engage with my students. It’s been wonderful to see all the talent around! Your writng in insightful. My husband is the poet in our collaboration; I am going to make sure he’s checking you out.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Wonderful poetry- keep writing and speaking it.

    I didn’t really have another way that I could find to contact you so I will do so here:

    You are a current and valued follower of the Human Ponderings Blog, because of this I want to inform you of some changes happening to the blog…

    The Human Ponderings blog has a new home- WordPress has served me so well and I am so grateful for the friends, followers, and interactions I have gained there- however by making Human Ponderings into it’s own site I have much more control and access over the blog which will allow Human Ponderings to (hopefully) grow in wonderful new directions!

    Thank you for your time!
    As a fellow blogger I would appreciate it if you could take a brief moment to explore the new website (still under construction but mostly done and open for public viewing) and perhaps provide some feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Man, I really love your style. It’s not so much original as it just feels really fresh and emotional. I’ve read a few of your posts and I think they are just awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. You know what? The ways of our Creator never cease to amaze me! With every ‘like’ I wonder & ponder, Why this blogger likes the content of this post? When I read your work, I wonder no more. I see how the Creator is tugging your heart? Maybe I’m wrong, maybe not! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Touche! Looking at things for what things are! Best of all looking at self—the naked truth about self! There is no taming for that wild nature within us—the more we chase that illusive happiness the more unhappy we become for there is no such a thing to be found!
    What then? Hope, there is always hope! What hope? The hope of our Creator! What? That means nothing to you? Just a religious cliché? Think again! Where all those ideas & realizations of yours come from? From the thin air? Indeed!
    Perhaps, just perhaps if you continue to check my journey you will find out the same thing that I have found: You will find our Creator beckoning you to come to Him as a little child to his mom or to his dad with all your doubts & fears & dreams! Our Creator is not just a deity up there in the sky looking to bless or zap it to us! Indeed! Our Creator is the Father that wants to reside in your heart to mold & shape you in His image! Hope, there is always hope!
    Thanks for your awesome in Hope to hear from you again! 🙂


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